Prominent roof paint , corrugated metal sheeting, plant holder
I found some old bits of corrugated metal sheeting that just look like they want to be upcycled into something fabulous. They were not big enough to do any roofing-type projects so I needed to think outside the box on this one.
As it was Spring and the planting and digging in the mud bug bit me, I thought it might be a good idea to make myself some beautiful new planter holders and give everything a little Spring feel!
Prominent Paints have now made it possible to have Prominent Roof Paint tinted to basically any colour that you want. This facility is available from 1L quantities upwards, meaning it can be done for all your small projects, so that you don’t have to spend extra and have litres of paint left over afterwards!
shabby chic corrugated roof sheet planters

Step by step showing how to Upcycle old coffee tin cans and broken crockery into a beautiful bird house
Summer is fast approaching and the birds are returning after a long winter away. What better surprise to welcome them back into your garden than with a treat? This excellent spring craft, a beautiful recycled bird house made from recycled tin cans and old or broken crockery, is perfect to make with the kids. Not only will your children enjoy this craft, they’ll love watching all the birds fly into your garden for a snack.
For any questions contact: Winnie

Step by Step for Tin Can Key Rings
Other than providing a convenient vessel for your carbonated beverages so that they don’t go completely flat, aluminium cans are also quite useful for a number of other things once they’re completely empty.
If you tend to drink a lot of cold drink, chances are you have a lot of cans lying around the house. Even if you typically recycle those cans for cash, there are things that you can do with empty cans that are even better than getting a few pennies for them at the recycling centre.
From gifts to wonderful home décor, we will make you wonder why you ever threw them out in the first place. There are earrings, wind chimes, and even bracelets, and your friends and family will never know that you’ve made these out of recycled cans.
The best part is that these are all easy to do projects that are so much fun and will make you look forward to emptying out that next fridge pack of cold drinks, just so you can start another project.
For any questions contact: Winnie

Step by step instructions showing how to make your own upcycled vertical garden from old 255ltr drum.
This is not as very easy project as it requires the use of power tools as well as physical
effort to panel beat the drum into the required shape. Though you can purchase plastic
versions of this concept but we prefer to try use waste products to make our vertical garden.
What is unique about this system of vertical garden is the pipe in the centre of the drum;
this is where you put your bokashi compost in when you have done making the tea. The compost
will now break down and feed the plants in the drum.
Notes of experience:
When making the vertical pipe try use a large coffee tin rather than a jam can and make sure you make big holes the tin to allow worms to enter and exit the tins, this helps with the distribution of minerals and nutrients thought the drum. Once you have cut the slots in the bottom of the drum put in a layer of stone of clinker (broken rubble) to prevent the holes from clogging the drainage of the drum.
For more information or help with making your vertical garden contact: Winnie

Step by step project showing how to make your own upcycled bottle resin magnet.
For further information please contact: Winnie
This is a fantastic way to make use of your bottle tops – which would otherwise be thrown away! You can recyle them into something fun by making small pictures and creating miniature collections.
You could even start a whole collection and go the extra step by adding a magnet to the back turning it into a beautiful, upcycled fridge magnets!
Although small, every bit of upcycling we do does make a difference, and these bottle tops are no exception.
This is a great way to reuse something and have fun at the same time. Follow our easy step by step instructions to see how to make your bottle top picture frames.
complete recycled resin bottletop

Step by step project showing how to make your own upcycled fridge magnet bugs
For more information please contact: Winnie
What a creative way to reuse and recycle old bottle tops, create cute, handmade upcycled fridge magnets for your home! Although small do not let that bug you as one you make you are make you are making a huge difference to our children and the planet, these cute little bottle tops bugs are no exception.
This is a fun way to brighten up any fridge, or any surface that you can stick a magnet on, while teaching kids about recycling and at the same time giving them a new skill.
Better still why not just bug your entire house!