The Upcycle Shop Showcases the Remarkable Products
Produced by Our Trained "Upcyclers" at Upcycle Creative's Innovation Lab.


shop front, 174 long road


The Upcycle Zero Waste to Landfill Shop is Based in Johannesburg at 158 Long Road, Greymont




The shopping experience at the Upcycle Zero Waste to landfill shop is like no other!

The products available at the Upcycle shop appeal to a new wave of conscious consumers
who dream & live the same way we Upcyclers do. 

tickwidget   The Upcycle flagship store is key to our business as it showcases the upcycled products created from waste at the Upcycle Innovation Lab.
tickwidget    Also available at the Zero Waste Store are a variety of fabric offcuts, waste avoidance & debranded products. 
tickwidget    We frequently add new items our Upcycle online catalogue so you can shop from anywhere in or outside South Africa. 


 Our Core Philosophy is That  ALL Waste has Value.

We Believe We Can Profoundly Impact People & Planet
by Empowering People to Generate New Income Streams through Upcycling.






Our product development journey usually begins at the Upcycle Innovation Lab where waste is put through the Research & Development process.

Here, we determine the best solution for the waste stream, so that by the time its reinvented into a usable product we have diverted as much waste from landfill as possible. 

The product development process also affords dignity to our communities of Upcyclers by providing access to income generation. 

The income generated by the Upcycle shop is reinvested into our communities through training & development.  

Training and development are critical in the business of Upcycle as we aim to provide you with quality products produced to professional standards.   

Capacity Development
Economy GreenCircular   Buy supporting the Upcycle Zero Waste Store, you assist us in achieving our goals of contributing to the circular & green economies


A huge thank you to everybody for sharing our philosophy & helping us bring the circular economy to life!

It is because of support from the community who frequent our Zero Waste Store that we are able to continue to introduce new upcycled products into the market.



eco friendly gift 

Eco-Friendly Corporate Gifts

If you would like to enquire about a package of corporate upcycled gifts, we invite you to get in contact with us today!

We can manufacture bulk products that include your corporate branding!

You can visit our Upcycle Zero Waste Store at 158 Long Road, Greymont

Join our Facebook Group

Email: winnie@upcycle.co.za for any questions you may have.

Keep in touch with our news stream on social media: @upcycle_creative

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